Not so long ago a 13 year old girl called Rebecca Black made a video and posted it on Youtube - her song "Friday". The response that then followed went viral - and somewhat out of control.
A torrent of abuse ensued against young Rebecca that included some death threats. There are plenty of people out there who have there own opinion on her video, I for one actually quite like it. Sure, it could do with a little bit of work, but overall is enjoyable.
There is no denying that publicity - good or bad - will have an influence on how viral and how many views a video on Youtube will reach. As I'm writing this, Rebecca's "Friday" has enjoyed 54+ Million Views.
Not only has her video been an internet sensation, it has propelled her into the mainstream Limelight as well - from TV interviews and appearances to a cameo in Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" video. In the video, Rebecca plays the role of cool and trendy next door neighbour to Katy's awkward character.
Do I think that any video spawned from The Platform Hub will reach 54 Million Views? I'm not so sure. But if we even reach a small percentage of that would make it all worthwhile.
So, what are you waiting for? A written invitation? Well you have one - comment below or over on my Facebook Page or feel free to E-mail Me.
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