Tuesday, 18 June 2013

15 Minutes of Fame... or longer?

Andy Warhol once said "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes."  The future is here and with it comes the internet, Social Media, Youtube, etc.  His profecy is coming true and more and more individuals are having their moment to shine in the spotlight.

From Rebecca Black's "Friday" to Psy's "Gangnam Style" to the Woman who put a cat in a bin - all have become famous or infamous after their videos appeared on Youtube and went viral.

The Platform Hub is looking for talented individuals who aspire to become famous.  By bringing together various talents, we will have a pool of resources at our disposal to help each others careers.

However, instead of just 15 Minutes of Fame, we'd hope that there would be longevity in your chosen career path and this is just a Platform to start from.

If you feel that you have talent either in front or behind the camera - feel free to E-mail Me.

Remember the Facebook Page also for more information and chat.


Sunday, 16 June 2013

A Chance Meeting - Matt Comley

Heading home from a Wedding Reception with my wife and a couple of friends and we popped into a Kebab Shop in Stirling.  1 am in the morning, this morning to be precise.

That's when we had a chance meeting with a young lad, Matt Comley, and his friends.  Clearly on a good night out, one of his friends mentioned that Matt was a Musician and had various songs on Youtube and one in the iTunes chart.

Straight away, I did a search on Youtube for one of his videos and "Old Fashioned" is the first that comes up in the search.

Matt is an aspiring young star and I would recommend that readers of my blog and Facebook Page have a look at his videos on Youtube and download his songs from iTunes.

The Platform Hub would like to wish him well in his future endeavours and would be keen to work alongside him in some projects if he is available.

Follow Matt Comley on his Facebook Page also.

Darren Gregson - The Scribble Machine

Back in April, I posted a Q&A session with Darren Gregson on my M.A.S.K. Comics blogspot.  Darren is a Graphic Designer who recently moved from his home in England to live in the Good Ol' US of A with his wife.

Darren recently posted the following picture on his Facebook Page - The Scribble Machine -

Darren was experimenting and decided to draw an American Tractor Unit/Big Rig.  When this was posted on his page, not only was I taken aback by how good an artist he truly is, but I saw a similarity between his drawing and one of the most iconic vehicles from M.A.S.K. - namely Rhino.

As illustrated below from Issue 3 of the UK M.A.S.K. Comic.

On The Scribble Machine Blog, we then have this evolution -

I contacted Darren and asked if he would mind if I added his drawing as part of MASKart on my blog.  He asked me to hold off on this for a little while so that he could tweak it to fit in on my blog and below is the fantastic image that he has sent over.

It's great to see the progression from an initial sketch to coloured final image.  Darren explains more of the evolution on his blogspot!  I am pleased to say, I now have this as my Desktop Image on my PC at work.  I'm not sure that Darren intended this image to be Rhino when he started drawing it - but perhaps M.A.S.K. runs deep in him and he subconsciously drew this in respect of one of his favourtie childhood comics.

Darren has a great appreciation for the Artists and their work on the UK M.A.S.K. comic and I'm envious of the fact that he has had the opportunity to interact with them over the years.

The Platform Hub is multifaceted and Art & Artists are very much part of what we are looking for.  Whether it be Graphic Designers, with talent like Darren's, to work as part of various projects or Cartoonists for printed comics and graphic novels or animated cartoons.

Please feel free to make your comments below or over on my Facebook Page.  Remember and visit The Scribble Machine Facebook Page and The Scribble Machine Blog

And remember to Like, Share and Repost - I'm trying to build up a large community to start making videocasts, printed material and organise Live Events!

Thank you,


Saturday, 15 June 2013

Rebecca Black - Friday! Love her or hate her....

Not so long ago a 13 year old girl called Rebecca Black made a video and posted it on Youtube - her song "Friday".  The response that then followed went viral - and somewhat out of control.

A torrent of abuse ensued against young Rebecca that included some death threats.  There are plenty of people out there who have there own opinion on her video, I for one actually quite like it.  Sure, it could do with a little bit of work, but overall is enjoyable.

There is no denying that publicity - good or bad - will have an influence on how viral and how many views a video on Youtube will reach.  As I'm writing this, Rebecca's "Friday" has enjoyed 54+ Million Views.

Not only has her video been an internet sensation, it has propelled her into the mainstream Limelight as well - from TV interviews and appearances to a cameo in Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)" video.  In the video, Rebecca plays the role of cool and trendy next door neighbour to Katy's awkward character.

Do I think that any video spawned from The Platform Hub will reach 54 Million Views?  I'm not so sure.  But if we even reach a small percentage of that would make it all worthwhile.

So, what are you waiting for?  A written invitation?  Well you have one - comment below or over on my Facebook Page or feel free to E-mail Me.