Sunday, 24 November 2013

A tribute to Melanie Thornton

For many of us, Christmas is one of the best times of the year.  It can, however, be a bitter sweet time as we think of those less fortunate or no longer with us.

Many people reading this may not know who Melanie Thornton was.  Although you may not know who she is, she recorded a song that is now an integral part of Christmas!

It is one of the most recognisable songs that lets you know that the Christmas "Season" (as they call it in America) has started - once the Red and White Trucks appear on your TV screens.  I'm of course talking about the "Holidays are Coming" Coca-Cola Adverts.

Born in America, Melanie did a "David Hasslehoff" and became famous in Germany as a pop star.  She recorded the song "Wonderful Dream (Holidays Are Coming)" a song that has been part of the Coca-Cola Christmas Advertising campaign seen in numerous countries.

Unfortunately, on the 24th of November 2001, Melanie was killed as an aircraft she was a passenger in crash landed near Basserdorf, Switzerland.  She died not knowing how famous and popular the "Holidays are Coming" advertising campaign - and her song - would become.

If you have never heard the full song by Melanie Thornton, you will find it on youtube, set against some familiar images or the original video here!

And tonight, on the 12th anniversary of her death, I'd ask that you raise a bottle of Ice Cold Coca-Cola to Melanie and think of her the next time you see this advert on TV - I know that I will!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

The True Loves of Olympia Papayiannis

Following on from my recent interview with Milton Johanides - The Platform Hub is pleased to let you know that following on from the success of "The Astounding Adventures of Artemis Papayiannis", Milton's new book is now available on

A sequel to his first book, "The True Loves of Olympia Papayiannis" follows the fortunes of the Papayiannis family as the Second World War threatens Greece.

Both books can be ordered and now in time for Chirstmas Delivery!